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In December 2022, the Global Fund (GF) informed the Country Coordinating Mechanism Sierra Leone (CCM SL) of the Country allocation of US $ 126,444,674 for HIV, Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria (M) and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) programs covering the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2027.

In addition, Sierra Leone is qualified for other opportunities for funding from The Global Fund beyond the allocation amount including the Matching Fund of US$9,000,000 for RSSH Innovation and US$800,000 for scaling up programs to remove human rights and gender related barriers

CCM SL will submit funding applications to the Global Fund and will oversee grants implementation on behalf of the country. As part of this role, the CCM nominates organizations to implement the programs Global Fund support through grants. These organizations are known as Principal Recipients (PRs).

This funding available through GF can be received by one or more PRs to implement grant activities including disbursement of funds to other organizations, who serve as sub-recipients (SRs) or sub-sub-recipients (SSRs) or Service Providers (SPs) in line with Grant Agreements with The Global Fund. The purpose of this, is for financing to effectively cascade to smaller organizations, and for programs to be carried out to reach those populations or groups which may not be otherwise easily reached by government entities.

The primary responsibility of a PR is to ensure positive impact in the fight against HIV, TB, Malaria and the building of systems for health by establishing/maintaining systems in place. The PR is expected to:

 Receive and manage the funds from GF

 Implement the program and manage grant funds prudently to effectively achieve goals and objectives of the proposal

 Enter into a Grant Agreement with each SR with terms and conditions that will enable the PR to meet the requirements of the Grant Agreement signed between the Global Fund and the PR


  • Make efficient and effective arrangements for contracting and disbursing funds to SRs and put in place a system to manage the SRs, including the on-going monitoring, evaluation and supervision of sub-recipients.
  • Arrange for Procurement and Supply Chain management in compliance with applicable laws of Sierra Leone and GF policies
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the progress made on program objectives to GF and the CCM and request for additional disbursement of funds
  • Support CCM SL processes by facilitating communication, interaction and synergies among implementing partners


Implementation Arrangement:

The Global Fund recognizes that comprehensive national programs that are implemented through a multi-sectorial approach (e.g. involving government, non-governmental organizations and In-Country Partners) will increase opportunities to:

  • Map high or low burden districts of HIV/TB and Malaria
  • Scale-up existing service delivery to a broader range of population groups and high burden districts of HIV/TB and Malaria;
  • Raise awareness of service availability, including primary prevention and treatment services at the community levels;
  • Move quickly towards the provision of access to prevention, treatment, care, and support to all persons in need, including key populations and people who may not already be included in national disease programming;
  • Contribute to sustainability of programmatic interventions over the longer term, through the increased capacity that comes from a broader range of implementing partners.


The CCM SL will take into consideration lessons learnt from Ebola and the COVID-19 epidemics, which shows that there is urgent need to strengthen the Health system through multi-sector engagement by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.


Principal Recipient (PR) – 1:

A ‘PR-1’ will be responsible to implement the following interventions under Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis and RSSH

  • Planning, Policy and Monitoring of the GC7 Grant Implementation with respect to and not limited to Testing, Treatment and Prevention in the fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria.
  • Ensure implementation of GC7 Interventions in District Hospitals, Peripheral Healthcare Units (PHUs), Clinics and Private Hospitals and Schools,
  • Responsible for Procurement and Supply Management (PSM) & Last Mile Distribution of medicines and health products
  • Responsible for Laboratory Services, Health Transportation, Ambulance Services and referral systems
  • Ensure Implementation of Health workforce and CHWs interventions
  • Implementation of Health Management Information System (HMIS).


  • Implementation of Supervisions of National Health Programs, Directorates and District Health Management Teams (DHMTs)
  • Selection of SPs and SRs/SSRs


Principal Recipient (PR) – 2:

A PR-2 will implement the following interventions under Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS, and RSSH

  • HIV, TB and Malaria programs targeting key and vulnerable population
  • HIV and TB active case findings
  • Prevention, care services, Key Populations (KPs) condom promotion and distribution
  • Nutritional Support
  • Human Rights & Gender based Prevention activities
  • Mitigate barrier to services for KPs
  • Legal Services to KPs
  • Demand creation for uptake of TB, Malaria and HIV testing Services
  • Strengthening Community Systems and support to Community Health Workers (CHWs)
  • Strengthening Behavioral Change Platforms at community level
  • Behavioral Change Community and Mass media outreach (Print and Electronic)
  • Community Led Monitoring and Advocacy at community and National Level.
  • Monitoring and Capacity building of Community-Based Organizations(CBOs) and SRs
  • Selection of SPs and SRs/SSRs


Before grant signing, the Global Fund through its Local Fund Agent (LFA), will assess the proposed grant implementation arrangements, the implementers’ capacity and compliance with applicable Global Fund minimum standards, track record and the effectiveness of internal controls and systems. This assessment may include the review of the implementer’s budget, work plans, and other grant related documents. More information on GF PR’s capacity assessment is available here (https://www.theglobalfund.org/media/12961/lfa_capacity-assessment_guidelines_en.pdf).

PR Selection Criteria and Evaluation Marks:

  1. Financial Management and Systems (20%)


Controls and System (10%)

  • Accounting and Financial Reporting including Integrated financial management systems;
  • Systems in place to mitigate and manage financial fraud, corruption and theft.
  • Safeguards GF or other donor funds and assets
  • Provide space for acceptable auditing arrangements and provide certified financial audited account.


Proven expreince (10%)

 Provide robust financial management and delivery track records;

 Capacity to disburse funds to SRs and suppliers in a timely, transparent and accountable manner;

 Capacity to work and collaborate with DHMT, partners and other donors

 Capacity to manage and improve financial management of Civil Society SRs


  1. Governance and Leadership (20%)

Legal status and organizational structure (10%)

 Legal status in Sierra Leone to enter into the grant agreement with the GF (Certificate of registration);

 Effective organizational leadership, management, transparent decision making and accountability systems;

 Internal controls, risk identification, mitigation, and implementation of controls;

 Adequate infrastructure and information systems to support proposal implementation, including the monitoring of performance of SRs and outsourced entities in a timely and accountable manner;

 Adequate Human Resource policies and procedures and clear demonstration on timely recruitment and maintaining qualified staff for effective grant implementation.


Management (10%)

 Adequate human resource capacity including health expertise in one or all areas (Malaria, TB, HIV and RSSH) and cross-functional expertise (finance, procurement, legal, Monitoring & Evaluation);

 Track record for achieving timely implementation and program results in Sierra Leone or in similar complexity environment in region.

 Existing PRs, current grant performance and mitigating measure to be submitted.

 Provide mechanisms to effectively interact with the CCM, national institutions, organizations, directorates, and programs relevant to GF Grants.

 Have minimum overhead costs on regional support to the Country Office in Sierra Leone.

 Experience working /managing GF grants in Sierra Leone or the Region.

 Mechanisms and systems to effectively respond to any issues arising during the grant implementation e.g. those related to performance or management actions linked to audits


  1. Procurement and Supply Management Systems (20%)

 System to ensure timely procurement and distribute of health products in accordance with GF procurement policies. See GF Website: www.theglobalfund.org. If the service to be outsourced, provide clear presentation on how the outsourcing would be done and manage.

 Effective procurement procedures, manual and system for timely and transparent procurement of products and services.

 Provide available Procurement Plan for any current program as a reference document.


  1. Monitoring and Evaluation arrangements (20%)

 Collect and record programmatic data with appropriate quality control measures.

 Mechanism for use of national reporting systems

 Support the preparation of regular reliable programmatic reports.

 Make data available for the purpose of evaluations and other studies.



Call Posted: Friday 26th May2023@ 12 mid-day Sierra Leone Time

Call Closed: Monday 12th June 2023 @ 4pm Sierra Leone Time

Apply to: ccmsierraleonesecretariat@yahoo.com

Documents Required with Application:


 Letter of Expression of Interest (EOI)

 Organizational profile

 Past experience implementing Global Fund Grants or any other donors with similar volume of funds.

 Indicate Interested Intervention areas (HIV, TB, Malaria or RSSH) and Location (s)

 Performance in terms of successes and challenges in the implementation of Malaria


TB and HIV in Sierra Leone or any other African Countries.



v The Global Fund provides various guidelines for successful implementation of the grants such as:

 2023-2028 Global Fund Strategy

 Applicant Handbook

 Global Fund Information Notes on: HIV; TB; Malaria; Building Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health

 Global Fund Modular Framework Handbook

 Global Fund Technical Briefs

 Guidelines for Grant Budgeting

 Review Criteria of the Technical Review Panel

 Technical Review Panel (TRP) Observations on the 2020-2022 Allocation Period


  • Operational Policy Note on the Design and Review of Funding Requests
  • Code of Conduct for Recipients of Global Fund Resources
  • Fiduciary Arrangements for Grant Recipients
  • Grant Regulations
  • Guide to Global Fund Policies on Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products
  • Guidelines on Implementers of Global Fund Grants
  • Standard Terms and Conditions for Grants
  • Operational Policy Manual


Further documentation on how GF funds are managed by PR is available online on Global Fund website https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/funding- model/implementation/

NOTE: This advert can also be acquired by visiting the website of the Country Coordinating Mechanism Sierra Leone at www.ccmsierraleone.org



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